@Works and Studies

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@@@@@@Achievements in Study@@

‡T@Books and Translations

@‚PDwƒVƒFƒCƒNƒXƒsƒAŽž‘γ‚Μ‹Ά‹C‚Ζ‰‰Œ€x translated by Masayasu Nishiyama and Kazuyo Yamaguchi from The Madness and drama in the age of Shakespeare by Duncan Salkeld (Manchester University Press 1993), Osaka Kyoiku Tosho Co. Ltd., 1996.@
@‚QDEnglish described in katakana and Japanese Language, Kogakkan University Press, 1998.
@‚RDAnglica --Shakespeare and His Contemporaries edited by Masayasu Nishiyama et al, Osaka Kyoiku Tosho, 1998.
@4DHamlet travelling alone in his life and thought by Masayasu Nishiyama, Osaka Kyoiku Tosho, 2007.


@@‚PDOthello@ Senriyama Bulletin of Literature vol. 2, 1968.
@@‚QDShakespeare's Narcissism in The Marriage Sonnets, 1976, Poiesis, vol. 3.
@@‚RDA Study of 'Black' in The Dark Lady Sonnets, BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF LITERATURE @KOGAKKAN UNIVERSITY vol. 16, 1978.
@@‚SDImmortality and Mortality in The Man Sonnets, ditto vol. 17, 1979.
@@‚TDA Study of 'Nature and Evil' inThe Duchess of Malfi, ditto vol. 18, 1980.
@@‚UDOn Men's Re-education in Measure for Measure, ditto vol. 19, 1981.
@@‚VDAn Essay on Hamlet@Part I. Hamlet's Search for Being --To be, or not to be --, KOGAKKAN STUDIES IN THE HUMANITIES, vol. 16 no. 2, 1983.
@@‚WDAn Essay on Hamlet@Part II. Soliloquies in Act I, ditto vol. 17 no. 5, 1984.
@@‚XDAn Essay on Hamlet@Part ‡V. Self-reproach -- What an ass am I !--, ditto vol. 19 no. 6, 1986.
@‚P‚ODAn Essay on Hamlet@Part IV. The Soliloquies of Blood and Will, ditto vol. 20 no. 5, 1987.
@‚P‚PDAn Essay on Hamlet@Part V. The Last Soliloquy, ditto vol. 21 no. 5, 1988.
@‚P‚QDAn Essay on Hamlet@Part ‡Y. The Meaning of The Prayer Scene, ditto vol. 23 no. 1, 1990.
@‚P‚RDAn Essay on Hamlet@Part ‡Z. Hamlet's Soliloquies, ditto vol. 23 no. 6, 1990.
@‚P‚SDHamlet's Revenge-- Is His Killing of Claudius Manslaughter or Murder? in TRIBUTES TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE -- Papers Presented to Dr. Hideo Hirooka in Celebration of His 77th Birthday --, Eihosha, 1994.
@‚P‚UDMadness in King Lear in Anglica -- Shakespeare and the related disciplines --, Osaka Kyoiku Tosho, 1998.
@‚P‚VDHamlet's Antic Disposition in Spread and Depth -- Going through the English World --, Osaka Kyoiku Tosho, 1998.
@‚P‚WDOphelia's Madness in The Various Phases of Knowledge -- Collected Essays in Celebration of Professor Yoshimitsu Akai and Professor Yukio Sakamoto's 70th Birthday [, Osaka Kyoiku Tosho, 1999.
@‚P‚XDTwo Kings in Hamlet -- the Late King and the King of Usurper-- in The Mind of English Language and English and American Literature -- Collected Essays in Celebration of Dr. Sutezo Hirose's 88th Birthday -- , Osaka Kyoiku Tosho, 1999.
@‚Q‚ODAmbiguity in the final act in King Lear --Shakespear at the end of the 20th century --, Sanseido, 2000.

‡V@Book Reviews

@‚PDKazuyo Yamaguchi, Shakespeare -- the Decaying World -- (Izumiya Shoten, 1994), KOGAKKAN STUDIES IN THE HUMANITIES, vol. 29 no. 5, 1996.