Hobbies and Amusements

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Hobbies Though I would like to say that I have no accomplishments and no hobbies, if I should say so, some peoples around me will surely make an objection to me.  One of my critical juniors in postgraduate school declared that my satsuki bonsai was a kind of mania beyond a hobby.  It is because I don't like to do anything by halves, and I would like to tell that all parts of satsuki bonsai have not developed into a mania: that is a kind of impulse provoked by my intention to live through this world. When I got married after leaving a hospital, it was a great problem to me how I would be able to move my stiff and panting body easily  Therefore I thought I might be able to move it if I did things earnestly which I liked to do.

   Then the next problem is 'What should I do?'  As our flat near Kobe station had a narrow garden enclosed with a high fence which defended it from the cold wind in winter, I made a plan to make a lot of saplings of satsuki.  As my father produced green tea near Uji city, I often worked in his tea field.  From this experience, I judged that it was easy to grow the satuki tree which is the same species as the tea tree.  I made several hundred saplings of satsuki, and gave one third of them to a variety of peoples.  Being afraid of death terribly,  I loved living things from the bottom of my heart and thought that it would be very fortunate if only some of them would survive after my death.  When we moved to our house in Ise, two trucks brought them in a lot of big stainless net boxes.  I took part in Ise Satsuki Club, an association of like-minded persons, and have improved my skill of satsuki bonsai since then.

   When I was invited to go fishing smell fish by a good angler, I remembered that I often went fishing in the river in my boyhood and instantly agreed with him.  As I had lived in Yamatomachi for two years, it was very difficult for me to go to Sochi by bicycle.  I walked up the sloping road slowly, leaning on my bicycle.  I walked up and down the river, fishing smell fish.  From this activity for two years, I could walk on the ground without pain gradually.  
 As I got the driver's license and bought a car in August, 1977 when my family moved to Ise, I could go fishing in the sea, too.  Though the cold wind in winter was a great menace to my body which had had the causes of anxiety in my heart and both lungs, I considered perfect countermeasures against it.  And the cold sea breezes had not made me catch a cold for about five years.  But unfortunately I had a bad influenza immediately after I didn't take the medicines of the hospital which I had taken for ten years.  At first I fished from the wharves and the jetties, and then from the boat of a fisherman we hired.  At last I aimed at catching a parrot fish which we call “a phantasmal fish” because it is very difficult for anglers to fish it. That I went fishing once a week helped me to maintain the good condition of my body.  Besides I recognized that the stress disappeared from me when I, who was born in the heart of a mountain, saw the sun rising in the east in the Pacific.  Though I am very proud of my fishing technique, I think it is because my fishing coaches were very good.  But unfortunately I have not fished smell fish for several years because we cannot fish big smell fish since the big dam was built up the Miya River and the stream was more narrow. Therefore I am worrying over an increase in weight now.

  The year after we moved to Ujiurata, I advised to raise “ranchu” (a kind of goldfish which is very expensive).  The interest in living things instigated me to do so again.  I went to a concrete factory to ask them to make a lot of concrete slabs to make fourteen concrete square ponds of which each side was 1.5 m.  My friends helped me to make them in a green house and two bigger pounds outside it.  I made heating equipment in them and it, and a system to pump air into them.  Besides, as I needed a lot of water, I made waterworks with an electric-powered well pump to cut down the charges of city water.  In those days I could moved the body more easily than before.
   I had to wash the square ponds and scrape off the fur with a scrubbing brush every third day in summer.  This was a great job to me.  Besides it was very difficult and hard for me to get up at four every morning and go catching water fleas in a pond by car, which were foods for the young of “ranchu.”  Though I spent a lot of money on goldfish, I gave up keeping them in eight years.

 Since ten years ago a friend of mine sometimes have invited me to go fishing in the sea by his big boat.  Therefore I stopped hiring a fisherman's boat to fish in the sea once a week.  This is one of the causes to increase my weight.  But as I have spent my extra money on satsuki bonsai in recent years instead of fishing since then, I have a lot of big satsuki trees on the shelves: that is, though all the satsuki trees which I brought from Kobe toYamatomachi, Ujiurata and Fujisato are my products, new faces of the satsuki bonsai have been added to them.  When my wife happened to water them and count the number of flower pots several years ago, she told me that they amounted to about 350, including very little flower pots.  When the junior of mine saw my products in Ujiurata, he said to me, “this is not a hobby, but a mania,” but when he saw the new faces in Fujisato, he said nothing.  Beside I have about 210 satsuki trees planted in the field near our house.  Therefore I myself sometimes think that it is a kind of madness beyond a mania.

  I like to drive a car and visit a lot of places which are far from our house.  As I had some relatives who had suffered from cancer after my father's death, I took it in mind to go around the 33 temples and the additional 4 temples which are very famous for Kannon (the Goddess of Mercy in Buddhism) to pray Kannon for their cures.  Though I and my wife, Miyoko, went kneeling down in prayer in front of Kannon on foot and by car, our prayer did not serve to save their lives, and all of them went on their last journeys.


Accomplishments  I have no accomplishments which I would like to ask you to see.  But I regard my technique of satsuki bonsai as a level of a semiprofessional, and am undertaking the task of teaching how to grow satsuki trees and make good satsuki bonsai in Ise Satsuki Club.

   Because I had cut a quickset hedge in my boyhood, I have not asked a gardener to cut the trees in our garden.  Recently my wife helps me to cut the pine trees.  To tell the truth, it is because I think a good gardener doesn't agree to undertake the job as they are very poor compared with my satsuki bonsai.  Therefore we always cut all of the trees planted in the field, too.  But she is in charge of steadying the ladder while I am on it.

     My wife loves a variety of flowers.  When she attended an institute class of rose in Jingu Rose Garden, she was taught how to graft the rose into the stock of wild rose, and brought the sample of it and 72 stocks of wild rose home.   And spending that night and the next day I grafted several kinds of roses into all of them.  Fortunately I succeeded in 70 stocks.  It is a level of a professional.  But as I had the same kinds of roses, I gave one third of them to some people.  All the rose trees including ones that I have bought have their flowers now.  How beautiful our rose garden is!  But it is I who have to spray them with insecticide and germicide, and give manure to it.

    Recently I plant only a few kind of vegetables. They are a spring onion, a pumpkin and an eggplant: that is, it is very easy for me to grow them, and they are so strong that I spray them with insecticide and germicide only at the same time when I spray satsuki trees and roses.  A lot of crows ate watermelons, tomatoes and other fruits before we did.  When we take care of vegetables and fruits carefully, that is, water them and give a lot of manure to them, they are very tasteful to crows and worms.  Now I remember the taste of a persimmon and a fig grown in my father's field in my boyhood and would like to plant the trees of them in my field.

(These sentences were written in 1999.)