Satsuki and Other Trees in Mack's Garden 82Renewal Ist December 2024 |
The flower buds of my satsuki trees
Recently, I have a serious problem about the flower buds of my satsuki trees. It is because several satsuki trees in the garden don’t have any flower buds though all satsuki trees had a lot of flower buds by the start of September 40 year ago. I could see a lot of beautiful flowers of satsuki trees in the gardens for a while since I had bult the house in 2001 but the number of their flowers continued to decrease gradually. And a lot of them had less than one third of flowers in 2013.Section 1. The flower buds of the saplings of satsuki
A lot of saplings didn’t have any flower buds except those of Kogetsu, Komei and Kakuo though they didn’t have a lot of flower buds at the end of September. Therefore, I was worried that a considerable number of them wouldn’t have a lot of flower buds. And when I took the photos of them on 28th October, a lot of them had a small number of flower buds. But, fortunately, almost all of them have a lot of flower buds when I took the photos of them on 24th November. Though I was very happy to see them, since I could see a lot of young flower buds which are not fully ripe, I was worried that they would change from the flower buds to the leave buds. And I hoped that it would continue to be warm and fine till the end of November.Part 1. Komei A and B
This variety of Komei always has a lot of flower buds by the end of September on the shelves. It has so many flowers that a lot of flowers have to be removed if a good bonsai will be exhibited at a flower show. When I took the left and second photos of these saplings on 28th October, they had already a lot of good flower buds. Therefore, when I took the third and right photos of them on 24th November, their seeds were fully ripe.
Part 2. Kogetsu A and B
Though this variety of Kogetsu always has a lot of flower buds, too, some trees have some shoots which don’t have any flower buds. But, when I took the left and second photos of these trees on 28th October, the flower buds are not fully ripe. And you can see the good flower buds on the third and right photos which were taken on 24th November.
Part 3. Yama-no-hikari A and B
This variety of Yama-no-hikari isn’t very strong. And suddenly, one of good saplings died in September. I don’t know the reason why it died. When I took the left and second photos of these trees on 28th October, they began to make their flower buds. And I cut several long shoots short to make it have good flower buds. Since they have the good flower buds on the third and right photos which were taken on 24th November, I thought I was very lucky because I had been afraid that they might not have good flower buds at the end of October.
Part 4. Hibai A and B
More than half of shoots of these Hibai A and B have flower buds on the left and second photos which were taken on 28th November but other ones don’t though they have long shoots whose tops have very young leaves. Therefore, I was worried that they would not have flower buds. But they had a lot of them on the third and right photos which were taken on 24th November. It is very strange that the variety of Hibai made flower buds in November.
Part 5. Byakuren A, B, C and D
More than half of shoots of these Byakuren A and B have the immature flower buds on the left and second photos which were taken on 28th November. Byakuren A is one of 20 saplings whose cuttings were taken in 2021. But I put other trees into the compost box in 2023 though some cuttings died. It was because they didn’t have any flowers as the variety of Byakuren.
Part 6. Kakuo A, B and C
These trees already have the complete flower buds on the left, middle and right photos which were taken on 28th October. Since this variety of Kakuo is a hybrid between Niko and Miyamakirishima which is a variety of Japanese azalea, it has a lot of flower buds which are made much earlier than other varieties of satsuki. Since I sold all trees of this variety which had been planted in the pots, I have grown 5 saplings from the cuttings.
Section 2. The flower buds of the satsuki trees in the garden
When I bult our new house in 2001, I made 4 small gardens before and behind the house and on the right and left sides of the house. And I planted a lot of satsuki trees on the edges of them, which I had grown in terracotta pots. And all of them had a lot of flowers in 2002. But the number of their flowers continued to decrease gradually. And a lot of them had less than one third of flowers in 2013. And they have only less than one fifth of them except some trees which don’t have any flowers now.Part 1. Satsuki trees in the west garden
This west garden is narrow and long between the house and garage. Since I planted the large Ume and Boxwood, a lot of satsuki trees cannot have a lot of the sunlight. But these trees have a lot of the sunlight because they were planted in the front of this garden. And sometime I give them a lot of water. You can see a small number of flowers on the left photo which was taken in 2017. And they had much less than flowers in 2019 on the second photo than those in 2017.
Part 2. Satsuki trees on the left side of the gate
Though this place is a part of the back garden, some trees can receive enough sunlight. Therefore, the trees of Nikko have a lot of flowers on the left photo which was taken in 2017 but other trees have only a small number of flowers. This situation didn’t change in 2019 and 2023 on the second and third photos. And the tree of Nikko has a lot of flower buds but the tree of Byakuren doesn’t have any one on the right photo which was taken on 28th October 2024. We can understand that the number of flower buds of satsuki under the bad conditions depends on the varieties.
Part 3. Satsuki trees in the garden before and behind the house
These satsuki trees in the small garden before the house always have so much strong sunlight in summer that they don’t have a lot of flowers on the left and second photos which were taken in 2017.
Part 4. Satsuki trees in the east garden
Since I planted the very large trees of Ume, Holly and Crape myrtle and 2 large Yew plum pines in this garden on the right side of the house when I made it, a lot of satsuki trees in the south part of the garden have shadows in the morning. Though the satsuki trees in the north part of this garden have a lot of sunlight in the morning, it has shadows of the house after 14:00. Therefore, they are under the bad conditions but all of them have the sunlight of more than 4 hours. It is said that they can make a lot of flower buds if they can have the sunlight of 3 hours in a day.
Section 3. The flower buds of young satsuki trees on the shelves
Part 1. The flower buds of Kogetsu C, D, E and F
Suddenly one of 8 young Kogetsu died in the middle of October. I cannot understand why it died because I thought that all of them had survived the severe and harsh summer at the start of September. I may have given more fertilisers to it than to other trees. Bu I am sure that I didn’t make such an error.
Part 2. Young Nikko A, B, C and D
Though I have 6 young trees of Nikko, their leaves are smaller than those of their parent. The variety of Nikko has a lot of flower buds but these trees haven’t had a lot of flowers since the saplings. They may be very sensitive to the very high temperatures and humidity. Nikko A, B and D don’t have a lot of flower buds on the left, second and right photos which I took on 28th October but Nikko C already has a lot of them on the third photo. Strictly speaking, since this tree has only white flowers, it isn’t Nikko.
Part 3. Nikko E and F, Hikorin and Shuho-no-hikari
Nikko E has a lot of unmature flower buds on the left photo which I took on 28 October but Nikko F has a lot of good ones on the second photo. Hikorin doesn’t have a lot of flower buds on the third photo. And Shuho-no-hikari has a lot of unmature flower buds on the right photo. Though the family of Korin make flower buds late, since this Hikorin had a lot of leaf buds, I was afraid that a lot of unmature flower buds would change into leaf buds. But I hoped that it would have a lot of good flower buds because it was very strong and had the very dark leaves.
The archives
The archaives are the back numbers of my web site. If you are interested in them, please read them. I am sure that it is very useful for you to grow satsuki trees and to make them into good bonsai.
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