@Satsuki and Other Trees in Mack's Garden

Renewal July 28th, 2012

My Small Single-Trunked Satsuki Bonsai

Though I introduced "Repotting the big trees in March" in the previous homepage, could you read my article and see the photos with deep interest? I would like to know the readers' impressions and suggestions. Please send me e-mails about it to help me make the following articles better and better.

I didn't come to England to attend the satsuki flower show which was held on June 10th and to have demonstration and talk as a volunteer. Therefore I had a lot of time to take care of my bonsai and garden trees. And I took a lot of photos of satsuki flowers except those of the trees which I had pruned drastically and repotted after washing their roots last March, for they had only a few flowers or nothing. I would like to take photos of their flowers next May or June, copy them and those that I took in our garden and at the shows in Kanuma and Tokyo last May and June, and bring the copies to England to show them to you if I will be able to come there next June.

Now I would like to show you my small single-trunked satsuki bonsai. They have been grown from the cuttings except Osakazuki and Eikan by myself.

Section 1. The materials of small satsuki bonsai

It is very easy to make some small satsuki bonsai because you can get a lot of materials if you would like to do so. If you break the trunk of a tall sapling when you wire it, it is a good material to make a small tree. When a satsuki tree falls down on the earth from the shelf, and lose the part of top or the main branches, you may remake it into a small bonsai. And a lot of satsuki cuttings grow their roots very easily for a short time when you put them into the fine Kanuma soil. Especially if a long new shoot touches the soil in the large pot or the garden, it can grow the roots. Besides you can get cheaper materials if they are not good sapling of bonsai.

A. When the good materials are found

When I dug up Osakazuki 41 years ago, which had peeped a lot of their thin trunks and branches from the bank of lane toward a tea field of my aunt-in-law (wife of my grandfather's son), I couldn't distinguish that it was a long range of roots. Therefore I separated it into large three parts and some little trunks with a large pickaxe. Perhaps it was more than 30 years old at that time.

This Osakazuki was one of some little trunks. But other little trunks and two clumps died. It is a miracle that this tree continues to live though it has a few rotten parts in the trunks and roots. In the past I was afraid three times that it would die. The variety of Osakazuki has the inclination that some new shoots are apt to die in summer and autumn every year. And sometimes it meant that the branch began to die.

Osakazuki. Height = 24 cm. Circumference = 16 cm. The photo was taken on May 28th.

B. When the materials are young trees

This Eikan is perhaps more than 33 years old. As it was very cheap, I bought it at our flower show about 27 yeas ago, which was a poor young tree, and cut the trunk. The variety is very strong and has beautiful flowers. When this tree has the flowers, it looks beautiful. But the trunk and the roots are so thick and strong that this bonsai pot is small though it is suitable to the shape of the tree now. I cannot put the needful Kanuma soil in the space between roots and the back side of this bonsai pot. When I repot it next time, I may have to change the pot.

Eikan. The photo was taken on June 2nd.

Eikan which was repotted after the roots were washed on June 29th. Height = 20 cm. Circumference = 19 cm. The photo was taken on July 24th.

C. When the materials are saplings which have some very young roots

Nikko, Shuho-no-hikari, Sachi-no-hana, Nyohozan have been grown from the saplings which I separated from the branches of the trees in the nursery. When a lot of long new shoots in the nursery touch the soil, they begin to grow roots easily. Though I had got a lot of good materials to make single trunked or multi-trunked bonsai, since I spread the black sheets on the Kanuma soil, which hinder the weeds from growing, I haven't had a lot of them. And recently I always prune the trees drastically except some grafts.

Nikko. Height = 22 cm. Circumference = 11 cm. The photo was taken on June 4th.

Shuho-no-hikari. Height = 24 cm. Circumference = 9 cm. The photo was taken on June 7th.

Sachi-no-hana. Height = 24 cm. Circumference = 8 cm. The photo was taken on June 7th.

Nyohozan. Height = 19 cm. Circumference = 8 cm. The photo was taken on June 4th.

At first these trees were grown to sell at the flower show. Therefore they are 15 or 17 years old. I had to grow a lot of saplings to sell because I was President of Ise Satsuki Enthusiast Meeting and other members didn't grow a lot t of them. And I restyled some of them into small bonsai. To tell the truth, the roots of these trees are not good. But generally speaking, we don't have to care much about roots of small satsuki bonsai. When one of small satsuki bonsai has very good roots (nebari), it is said that it doesn't suit to the whole shape.

Hakurin. Height = 29 cm. Circumference = 8 cm. The photo was taken on June 3rd.

Kegon. Height = 36 cm. Circumference = 8 cm. The photo was taken on June 3rd.

Hakurin and Kegon were grown to sell at the show, too. The things which I did were to wire Kegon when it was young, and to cut the trunks of Hakurin short. They are 11 or 13 years old. As the height of Kegon is 36 cm, I would like to cut the trunk short when I can find a good new shoot coming from the trunk.

D. When the materials are saplings which have been grown from the cuttings

Hoshi-no-kagayaki is 10 years old. It was so popular that we could sell a lot of saplings and young trees at the show, which had been grown from cuttings. And I gave some young trees to my relatives and friends with other varieties. As two trees of Hoshi-no-kagayaki haven't had long new shoots since I planted them in my nursery, I had to prepare for a lot of cuttings to get a lot of saplings.

Hoshi-no-kagayaki. Height = 24 cm. Circumference = 6 cm. The photo was taken on June 4th.

Section 2. How to make small satsuki bonsai

Small satsuki bonsai is pretty and beautiful. And they are much cheaper than large ones and it is easy to make them. But It is very difficult to make a large-trunked tree of small satsuki bonsai in the pots because it takes you more than 30 years to do so. Though the trees of small satsuki bonsai are so short that you cannot get a large-trunked tree for a short time, you can get them when you grow them in the nursery. I have 34 trees in the nursery, six trees of which I bought 19 years ago, and the rest of which I have grown from cuttings. The circumference of one of them is 25 cm.

A. Wiring of the trunk

When you get a short sapling, you can wire the trunk. You mustn't pot it in a larger pot. After you remove the wire in a half-year, you mustn't prune it for two years. But you have to change the top every year lest it should grow tall. If the pot is small, it will have a lot of new shoots from the trunk. When you repot it, you can remove some shoots and cut some shoots short. But you had better remove all shoots which have come from the soil. The next time when you repot it, you can keep some of the branches and wire them. If these branches have new shoots, prune them, leaving two leaves. And you can enjoy the flowers in two years.

As this Nikko is 5 years old and was repotted last year, I could wire the trunk to make a basic style of the tree last June. Every year I have to change the top after flowering. It is because I have to check the colours of flowers. Generally speaking we have to remove the top which have only white flowers.

Nikko. Height = 19 cm

B. Cutting of the thick or thin trunk

When you bought a tall sapling or young tree at a bonsai shop, you must have had an idea to make it into a tree of good style. If you failed in doing so at home, you had better change your idea, and try to make it into a tree of different style or make a small tree. If you broke the trunk when you wired it, you had better think that it is a good chance to make a small bonsai. But you mustn't cut a large trunk to make a small tree because it takes more than ten years to cure the scar. Besides it may die in some years.

I cut the trunk of this Shuho-no-hikari 5 years ago. And I cut it again last June. Continuing to do so, I don't have to wire it to make a small tree. And I will cut it in 3 years. When I can finish making a basic style of the tree, I will wire the branches.

Shuho-no-hikari. Height = 12 cm.

I will introduce "My Small Satsuki Bonsai (malti-trunk)" in the following homepage. Please look forward to reading and seeing it.