Satsuki flowers in my garden

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Satsuki flowers  I would like to show you the photos I take in my garden and write a short comment about them whenever I have a chance to do so. And sometimes I will show you how to grow, prune, repot and water them, and how to give them fertilizers. If you have any questions about sastuki and others, please send me your e-mail. And I am sure that I will answer them.

Sachi no hana (left) and Hoshi no kagayaki (right). They are shohin (a small type of satsuki bonsai) and have been grown since the time of cuttings by me.

Nikko (both). They are shohin and have been grown since the time of cuttings by me.

These trees are Kurohune (a Japanese azalea). They have been grown since the time of cuttings by me.

 Korin (bought). It has the big trunk and the very short height.

Kusudama (bought). It has the big trunk and the very short height.

Ai no tsuki (bought). It is daihin (a large type of satsuki bonsai).

Satsuki flowers of several varieties in our little east garden. They have been grown since the time of cuttings by me.

 Shintaiyo. It has been grown from the cutting since 1973 by me.